Monday, March 24, 2014

how do e know for sure??????????????????

Ananais and Sapphira were, I guess, the first known church deceivers. Along comes Simon the sorcerer who attempts to be a televangelist and "buy" the Holy Spirit and I suppose it all starts there.
 But where does the madness end and the real walk with God begin?
 Indeed the "laying on of hands(acts8:17)" is biblical and we know that the Peter and John asked specifically if they(new believers) had received the Holy Spirit.
 So then the believers ACCEPTED the word of God but had not RECEIVED the Holy Spirit.
 The bible said: "the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them;they had SIMPLY BEEN BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS.
 many believers receive the Holy Spirit without the laying on of hands.
 Is this biblical? Yes I believe so, God can do what He wants and how He chooses.
 In this portion of Acts 8 we are not told how the disciples knew the believers received the Holy Spirit once they laid hands on them. Did they become tongue speakers, fall down, or become full of joy and praise?
 However we do know that Peter and John"placed their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit"
 So today my question would be, why is it we do not do this "laying on of hands" in many of our churches today?
 If it were just meant for that time I would ask,"is Jesus Christ not the same yesterday and today and tomorrow? Did the disciples do this just for a few months then stopped?Were the people then only privileged enough to have hands laid on them?
 So then why take communion? Maybe it was meant only for the disciples?
Why have church altogether?Maybe it was just meant for the disciples and early believers.
I need some answers God because I do not see a lot of laying on of hands here except n the charismatic churches and sometimes they get a bit much overboard with the speaking in tongues thing which is a totally another issue for me.
 Like is that not our "heavenly language"?And do we not need to interpret it in an orderly way in church?
A lot of the charismatic stuff overwhelms me at times.We are emotional beings and I wonder how much is theatrical, emotional or real worship?
Lately I am preferring to worship simply at home with hubby or friends until I resolve all these things.
i wanna be real before God and know Him and not man.

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