Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Looks like Paul saw some serious problems in the Ephesus church. There was perhap= liberty taken with grace and of course, as always, the flesh gets in the way with pride and such. Paul said to offer our lives pure and blameless, without any foolish talk or obscenities. I wonder sometimes when I watch a move or sitcom or series if it is worth the time then. 
 Some of them use coarse language, make fornication and immoral practices seem acceptable and quite normal. 
 I know its just entertainment but what does that mean anyway?
Paul also says "whatever s holy,pure,of good report......" think on those things.
You are what you eat...........

 So making a deliberate choice of even what I think may be "harmless" entertainment may influence my thinking and behavior. 
 Time to rethink some thinking and pray on these thoughts
Isn't it far better to have a pleasing aroma to God?

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