Wednesday, April 30, 2014


WORD FOR LIFE: PINKY DAYS: Paul says we are all part of the body. Well I feel like the tip of the pinky today and what does that do? It senses stuff I suppose and co...


Paul says we are all part of the body.
Well I feel like the tip of the pinky today and what does that do?
It senses stuff I suppose and completes the finger.
 Most tea parties have ladies sticking out their pinkies so I would hope maybe I can be so blessed as to honor that position........
However somedays I feel like the elbow all bendable and ready to help the arm do its job
And like today some days are just pinky days
I know I have some little purpose but I am so small
Those big muscles and strong arms and legs get to do all the big stuff
Its hard to be a pinky somedays

Thursday, April 10, 2014

wisdom for today

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evilwith good" Romans 12:21
 Some politician or great speaker of today may say words and words of wisdom but none so great as the words of life as in the scriptures, the bible.
 How could we not be overcome by evil?
How could we overcome evil with good?
It is not humanly possible with the words of great leaders or gurus or with the sage of yogis and Buddhas
It is only possible with Jesus, he is the One who said,
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  NOONE comes to the Father WITHOUT Me." John 14:6