Saturday, June 28, 2014


WORD FOR LIFE: GOD SEES IT: Did you ever wonder why people who do not fear God succeed and seem to "get away with murder"?  David mused over such things in t...


Did you ever wonder why people who do not fear God succeed and seem to "get away with murder"?
 David mused over such things in the 10th psalm. He asks God why the wicked prosper when God seems so far off to a man who follows God's law.
 But even more perplexing to me is the fact that a man can work, buy a car, buy a home, raise a decent sort of family who all are successful and still not acknowledge God.
 Then there is the godly man who suffers persecution and trouble and He honors God.
 But with clarity David assures us that God "does see trouble and grief, and He considers to take it in hand" psalm 10:14
 So though things may look a bit unbalanced to us, God sees it all.
 Maybe it is not for us to so much look at, wonder and why the unjustice in the world as it is to just praise God and continue to obey and trust Him.
Otherwise these things may distract us from a deeper relationship with Him as we are focusing on the evil around us.
I want to look to God, to get to know HIM better and leave the injustice around me to Him.
 When my children were little one would whine about the other doing something,"It's not fair.He gets to go to bed later"
 But as a parent we know what is best for our children and thus we can feel justified about making rules.
 So too does our heavenly Father see and know the ways of His creation,and,especially those He foreknew to be His.
 Focusing on God, not on the issues and problems, gives my attention to Him alone and helps me to understand how He deserves the glory and honor,the main focus of my attention
 Yes we can call to attention the things that are unjust but we should,I believe, be rather calling out the goodness,sovereignity,and mercy of our God and present Him to the world instead of all the injustices in it.He knows and sees it all.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blessed is the man who does not WALK in the COUNSEL of the wicked...." psalm 1:1

 This does not say that we should do this or that
It does not say that so and so is a sinner
It does not even label any sin
Simply put it states
we are blessed when we do not walk according to what is sin,or,what is wrong

 This is not a condemning scripture but rather a blessing and encouragement for us to walk in God's ways and obey Him
 How refreshing are these words to my mind, spirit and soul
ty Jesus!!!!!