Sunday, March 31, 2019

WORD FOR LIFE: I buy an agenda but barely use itSome books on cr...

WORD FOR LIFE: I buy an agenda but barely use it
Some books on cr...
: I buy an agenda but barely use it Some books on crafts or diet find their way to my shelf but are barely read But when I forget to read m...
I buy an agenda but barely use it
Some books on crafts or diet find their way to my shelf but are barely read

But when I forget to read my bible
then I start to stutter
like when you cannot get the words out
and then I forget how to savor the aromas and tastes that God's menu offers
those savory grace filled bowls of mercy and love sure are missed when I do not visit the source of it all

Like remembering the taste of a faraway bistro and its offerings is how I feel when I fail to be present in the great feast of God's words
How rewarding it is to inhale, eat, and digest His promises
and then to share them with others
may be the best "pin" you will ever do


People who I knew as a kid have already done the big jump
They are not with us any longer
Reading their obituary is a rude wake up call for me
and yet the sadness this brings is not because they are gone to the big beyond
but because I only thought NOW
to see how they are
after fifty odd years i decide to look them up
so what kind of person am i doing this?

Like all of us I got busy with life
and forgot the ones who shared my life as a young child

Now its a bit late
Why God leaves some of us here and takes some of us is an unknown
but I know I will carefully make sure to write or call those whom I once knew and shared laughs with
Traveling along this life road is more than just scenery and photos
I want to visit too


It is Sunday but the sun is not out 
still we have a day

I am counting calories without being good at math
maybe that is why I AM NOT LOSING MUCH WEIGHT

Yet today is just like any other day in a womans life

full of woes,smiles and fattening foods

I wonder who invented mood swings and I wonder if people were  put away for them long ago

Girls who get PMS overboard are blessed because they have an excuse for that wrath and late night chocolate bar

I just am naturally weird and crazy without excuse 

and what is the meaning of a new day if not to complain and whine like this

ack to day is too day so i will too eat what i wish 


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

And God is able to make all grace abound to you,that you,always having all sufficiency in everything,may abound to every good work. 2Corinthians 9:8

Let us not grow weary in well doing,for in due time we will reap a harvest,if we do not give up.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Sermon on the Mount is so big
and so soothing
but also is commanding
and loving
i like to think of it
as if Jesus were still right here
in person
and if He would say this today
would not be different
maybe a bit more relevant in our terms but still hold true 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

WORD FOR LIFE: Its easy to love those close to you especially wh...

Its easy to love those close to you especially wh...
: Its easy to love those close to you especially when they return your love a hundred fold.  Yet when Jesus commands us to love those who ...

Its easy to love those close to you especially when they return your love a hundred fold.
 Yet when Jesus commands us to love those who are our enemies, it is not so easy to always imagine let alone do.
 Anyone can be an enemy, far or close/ We can even be our own enemy. 
 Who are your enemies? Perhaps the man next door, the lady who gave you a bad report or even a religion or a political group.
Whatever the case ask He who is able to do exceedingly more than we could think or imagine to open a door in your heart(and mine) to love those who are against us, or, against our beliefs.

Monday, February 18, 2019

I took this pic of my grandson learning to fish with his Granpa.
 Jesus said He would make us fishers of men. 
It is a skill that is  requiring patience, stillness, and waiting, this fishing art. Yet in the end the rewards are great.
 I guess sometimes we catch something and sometimes we do not. Yet we learn how to watch and wait, something that is lacking in our modern "I WANT IT NOW" life.