Thursday, September 19, 2013

The path that I take as a woman of God is sometimes so defined and even has this smooth railing should I fail to lose footing or grow tired.
 Sometimes I get a bit miffed because the path has this way of just stopping and its way is blocked by some trees fallen or rocks displaced.

Most days I just ignore the obstacles and walk over them, though difficult, but, at times, it is almost impossible to get over or around these stops in the path.
 These are what I call the MIRACLE STEPS.'
They are steps that I take without wanting to really because the task ahead seems impossible and the path impassable.
 But if I just look ahead at the One who is leading me I can walk through a forest untouched and without one loss of footage.
 Surprisingly I never get back to the path with the comfortable railing that I once knew as a sure and stable way .Instead I come to an "opening" and there I find what is an even better route to take.
It is this grand opening in the road which leads  to a place of beauty and refuge.
Each time the road becomes difficult and long, the end of it is ALWAYS a glorious place of beauty, refuge and rest.
Hallelujah to our King Jesus!


Friday, September 6, 2013


 I thought I could do a little experiment and ask God to stop my cat from suffering so.
She has been "in heat" for a long time and the vet cannot do the necessary surgery until an ear infection has been cleared up in her body.
Finally the day came when we got the green light for surgery but alas she was allergic to the local anesthetic and we had to reschedule surgery.
It has been a very long haul for our kitty but I believe more for us.
She has kept us awake for weeks with her crying and howling. Male cats from who knows where have come to the door wooing her with dead mice and howls of what is probably untold passion in cat language.
 Enough is enough I thought this morning.
This has to stop
I know she will be "fixed" in a few days but we all are walking around sleepless and seeing little hope  of having a night without choruses of cat serenades.
So I have taken a spray bottle in hand and have gone into serious prayer as well.
How can such a little cat make our quiet little home so chaotic?
Maybe I will consider a sedative,not for me either.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This was a parable day
I did something wrong but made it right within a few minutes after doing it
just like the story Jesus told of the one who does what he wants but yet he goes back and does what he has to do
what is right
what the Father asks him
Oh I canot wait for the next opportunity to repeal a wrongful act