Thursday, September 19, 2013

The path that I take as a woman of God is sometimes so defined and even has this smooth railing should I fail to lose footing or grow tired.
 Sometimes I get a bit miffed because the path has this way of just stopping and its way is blocked by some trees fallen or rocks displaced.

Most days I just ignore the obstacles and walk over them, though difficult, but, at times, it is almost impossible to get over or around these stops in the path.
 These are what I call the MIRACLE STEPS.'
They are steps that I take without wanting to really because the task ahead seems impossible and the path impassable.
 But if I just look ahead at the One who is leading me I can walk through a forest untouched and without one loss of footage.
 Surprisingly I never get back to the path with the comfortable railing that I once knew as a sure and stable way .Instead I come to an "opening" and there I find what is an even better route to take.
It is this grand opening in the road which leads  to a place of beauty and refuge.
Each time the road becomes difficult and long, the end of it is ALWAYS a glorious place of beauty, refuge and rest.
Hallelujah to our King Jesus!


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