Wednesday, July 2, 2014



 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord(a song)
wait, wait, wait
wait till next year
wait till tomorrow
but what does it mean to WAIT ON THE LORD?
when you are in a waiting room it means you have to stay there until the doctor/dentist or whatever person has invited you in to see you, it's your turn
when we wait in line at a store, we are doing so for a specific goal: a purchase
we can wait at a concert for tickets
at an amusement park for a ride

and so on
the list could be endless
so it seems we wait a lot
for many reasons
But what does it men to WAIT ON THE LORD?

Are we to stay in some line, or room, or in a restaurant?

Waiting on the Lord, what does that mean?

Does it mean to just pray and be still?
I think waiting on the Lord means we are so happy just to know he loves us and works on our behalf
that we are in a constant state of joy and expectancy
we await to see His goodness everywhere
we await to see His mercy and grace
and it IS everywhere
Once I had to wait many years for an answer to prayer
when it came, and it came beautifully, seems to me God had a better way of answering it than I thought
my wait was one of pleading and hoping and trusting
it was a difficult time, one in which I struggled, yet still maintained that hope and peace from our Father in heaven
Maybe waiting on the Lord is a process then, a lifelong stream of getting to know and trust God
better than a supermarket line
but we can still pray in that line just to have more time with Him

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