Saturday, August 2, 2014

Taste and See that the Lord is good!

It is rainy and gray in the part of the world I live in today.
Seems like David's spirit was like this weather many times over in God's word.
 In psalm 31 he cries out for strength and mercy to endure the many enemies he has around him.
 However what fascinates me more is  that he also calls for help in  that he wants to rejoice in God.
I know he says he will choose to rejoice in God but how often do we claim that while shaking inside?
 How many times have we gone through a terrible time while still feeling that ray of hope inside us?
 Maybe we were angry at God or confused or just wondered why about things yet had this small light in us that kept us from stumbling and falling completely.
 Throughout the psalms I get this sense that David expresses all his fears and negative thoughts but always stands on God's promises no matter what.
 He may be trembling inside and really wondering if anything makes sense yet he still pens hope in God.
This is like a little child who is afraid of the dark or monsters yet feels safe in a parents arms.
 Thank God for His hand on us and His arms around us, even when we think they are not.
 Like the child who wakes up at night and calls for his dad or mom to comfort his bad dream or fear, we call out to our God who never really has left the "room"

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