Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Lord, help  me to forget the former things and not dwell on the past.
Make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert" Isaiah 43:19

I was thinking of how when you had your tonsils out as a kid they give you popsicles or ice cream afterwards to cool and ease pain, and, the sweet flavors and tastes make you forget all the misery you just went through.

 The thing is with our former lives, like mine, when I taste and see that God is so good now it is kinda hard to believe at times.
It is like I can taste the delicious ice cream, accept the fact that I am getting better and healed(just like after my tonsillectomy) and that soon I will be so well I will just about forget all the pain and anxiety of this surgery.

 Yet some days I remember the pain of the tonsils and fever and even the fear of going in the hospital for the big day of surgery.
Just as I so remember some days what brutal indsets I once had and the hurtful things I have done against God and others.

 God create in me a new heart and mind so I will remember no more the horrors that sin has done to me. Let me instead focus on the savory goodness of your new Life you have placed in me.
 Just like strawberry ice cream remind me I have good things to enjoy in your love now and forever and eternity to come
in Jesus name amen



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