Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Lord, help me to forget the former things and not dwell on the past. Do a new thing in my life. Make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

 When contractors start clearing out forests and making roads and paths to go through, it must be a huge job.

 I cannot imagine the work it entails to clear trees, brush, rocks and even disrupt the animal lives who dwell there.

 Sometimes when I think about how God has cleared my "wilderness" it truly amazes me.
And He still is doing some more work on the tangles and webs in my life and my mind.

 I am so glad he is the head honcho, the chief trail blazer and the nurturer who holds me and restores new ways for me to walk on thee roads.
 The same is true for the desert places where days are so dry you can not dislodge the tongue from the mouth's roof.
 Mostly these days are when I have not come to Him and just let my heart and mind "dry up" .
 Days when I dwell on dull, useless things and not the waterfalls of blessing He provides.
 He is the ONLY one who can water these dry times.................

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