Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Pour water upon every thirsty place of my life and floods upon every dry place in my life"

This world denies its children living water.
It claims a substitute instead leaving us thirstier and longing for real quenching of our spirits and hearts

 Imagine if your baby cried and cried for a drink!!!!
How much would you want to fill that cup and satisfy that little ones thirst!!
 But we, as those who have no clue where to get water, instead give our little ones cups that are empty, or, perhaps, half full.
 We try to bless them with this and that drink and even sell them the idea that it satisfies the thirst.
 But we neglect to provide our children with the water that never leaves you thirsty, from the eternal spring of living waters.
I would never want to deny my children or grandchildren anything, especially something as basic as providing for their well being.
How much also do I want them to taste that living water so they will never thirst again.
for eternity
God so, as our heavenly Father, wants to fill our cups forever with His source of eternal love and life, His living water.
 "All who are thirsty, all who are weak
come to the fountain..........................


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